THE distillerie de la Seine

photo de l'alambic communale de Damrémont

“Bouilleurs de Cru” From Father to Son.

The Distillerie de la Seine was born here, in Damrémont, in Haute-Marne. More precisely in this cabin at the heart of the village, which houses the communal still. Since the 1900s, this still has been used by the “bouilleurs de cru” for distilling eaux-de-vie.

It is around this still that Serge Bouvier, the third generation of Bouvier distillers, passed on the passion to his son Manuel. Together, they distill fruits from the family orchards: plums, mirabelles, pears, grape pomace, and recently, quince.

As Manuel grew up, he dedicated himself to other studies and professional projects that led him to the other end of the Seine. The river has its source in the heart of the Langres Plateau and flows into the English Channel at Le Havre. It is here that Manuel settled and decided to share his family heritage by creating the Distillerie de la Seine.

Convinced of the importance of sharing a terroir through artisanal and original spirits, Anthony Claes joined the Distillerie de la Seine project.
Alongside Manuel, he works to share the distillery’s creations with as many people as possible.

This former head waiter, passionate about gastronomy, honed his skills with renowned caterers and at the heart of major events.
He now returns to his native Normandy to join the ranks.

vigne de la ferme familiale de Manuel Bouvier
portrait de manuel bouvier

Manuel Bouvier


After several years in logistics and the coffee industry, Manuel left everything behind to extend his family’s legacy by creating the Distillerie de la Seine. A lover of his native Haute-Marne and the Langres Plateau where he grew up, as well as his adopted Normandy, he is on a mission to share this unique terroir through his creations.

portrait d'Anthony Claes

Anthony Claes


Anthony joined Manuel to ensure that the artisanal and original spirits of the Distillerie de la Seine could reach their audience.
This former head waiter, passionate about gastronomy, honed his skills with a renowned caterer and at the heart of major events.
He now returns to his native Normandy to spread the good news of the Distillery.

portrait de Maëlle, alternante à la distillerie de la seine

Maelle le guellec


our rewards

Médaille d'argent du concours spirit sélection de Bruxelles

Vodka : Médaille d’argent ,
Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2021

Lauréat Réseau Entreprendre Normandie estuaire
médaille d'argent du pastis

Pastis: Médaille d’argent ,
Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2022

Respect for traditions

Distillation takes place in our Müller Still.
At Distillerie de la Seine, everything is done by hand, from distillation to packaging and shipping.

The pleasure of the senses

The Distillerie de la Seine promises unique spirits with original recipes to offer you tastings that will awaken your senses.


Within the distillery, we prioritize local products to showcase the resources
of our terroir.